The RENEW Program

Repurpose Education Network for an Empowered Workforce

The RENEW Program creates a space for collaboration and intercultural communication by bringing people from all walks of life together to learn, grow, and succeed. Our program is not about targeting specific groups or perpetuating stigmas; it's about fostering a vibrant community where individuals can share their unique perspectives, ideas, and experiences. Whether you're a fashion student looking to enhance your leadership skills and build industry connections or still exploring the different career opportunities out there, RENEW is here to support you on your journey to success.

RENEW offers comprehensive support through diverse avenues of learning. Participants access e-learning modules covering topics like goal-setting, work-life balance, leadership, and industry-specific skills. Peer collaboration fosters community and shared learning experiences. Workshops and 1:1 mentorship, led by industry experts and seasoned professionals, provide deeper exploration, hands-on activities, and networking opportunities. Our mentorship program delivers personalized guidance, supporting individual goals. This holistic approach ensures participants thrive both personally and professionally.

At the core of our mission is the belief that everyone deserves access to opportunities for personal and professional growth. We understand that each person's needs and aspirations are unique, which is why we tailor our support to meet individuals where they are. By providing a supportive environment where individuals can connect, collaborate, and learn from one another, we empower our participants to pursue successful careers in their chosen fields. Whether you're aspiring to climb the corporate ladder or blaze your own entrepreneurial trail, RENEW is committed to helping you reach your goals. Together, we can build a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of background or circumstance.